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Questions  /  Your Account & Plan  /  Enterprise

Enterprise Roles

Defines the different user and group roles for Enterprise account plans.

CARTO Enterprise provides a shared environment for groups of users working together.

  • User - An Enterprise “user” is the individual that is part of a given organization. Each “user” can be assigned write and read access (Builder) or read-only access (Viewer) to shared datasets and maps.

  • Admin - An Enterprise user that has been assigned “admin” privileges. Admins cannot change any of the organization details, they can only help create and manage users within the account.

  • Owner - The Enterprise “owner” is the super administrator who owns responsibility for the organization account. Owners can add users, assign user access levels, delegate quotas for their organization, and grant administrative privileges to other users. The organization owner is the only one who can change any account details, or delete the account.

Note: Optionally, see Enterprise User Management API for details about how the Owner (and Admins) can manage the organization users programmatically. Organization users have standard Account options.