Posts by
Javier de la Torre

Seamlessly integrate Google Earth Engine with CARTO Workflows
Seamlessly integrate Google Earth Engine with CARTO Workflows to analyze spatial data at scale - no coding required. Unlock powerful geospatial insights today!

Democratizing Spatial Analysis with Raster Data on the Cloud
Discover CARTO's vision for democratizing spatial analysis by making raster data accessible on the cloud & learn about upcoming initiatives.

Overture Maps data now on the cloud: how to use it with CARTO
Announcing Overture Maps data in the cloud! Seamlessly access, analyze, and visualize data on global buildings, POIs, boundaries & more with CARTO!

EU Deforestation Compliance with Cloud Spatial Analytics
Streamline your sustainability efforts with our EUDR compliance solution, leveraging FAO and WRI methodologies, powered by Google Cloud and GEE.

Dynamic Tiling: The key to highly performant cloud-native maps
Elevate cloud-native mapping of big data with CARTO's Dynamic Tiling. Seamlessly integrate interactive maps in your apps without compromising speed.

Databricks support for H3 in collaboration with CARTO
Introducing H3 for Databricks with CARTO! Unlock fast and efficient big data analytics in the cloud with Spatial Indexes

Working Toward a Sustainable Future with CARTO & Google Cloud
“We’re happy to announce our partnership with Google Cloud to expand our solutions to help tackle climate and environmental issues.”

Introducing GeoParquet: Towards geospatial compatibility between Data Clouds
At CARTO, we're proud to release the first community proposal to standardize the storage of geospatial vector data in GeoParquet! Learn about our full goal.

Geospatial Analytics & AWS: CARTO's Spatial Analytics in Redshift
We are excited to announce CARTO's Spatial Analytics in Redshift. Discover how to leverage the geospatial capabilities of Redshift & sign up for a free trial today!
CARTO & Databricks: Bringing Spatial Analysis to the Lakehouse Platform
We are excited to announce CARTO Spatial Extension for Databricks. Discover how to extend the geospatial capabilities of Databricks & sign up for a free trial today!

Announcing CARTO's Spatial Analytics in Snowflake
We are excited to announce CARTO's Spatial Analytics in Snowflake. Discover how to extend the geospatial capabilities of Snowflake & sign up for a free trial today!

Announcing CARTO's Spatial Analytics in BigQuery
Today we announced at Google Cloud Next the General Availability of the new CARTO's Spatial Analytics in BigQuery. Learn more about the most innovative platform to perform spatial analytics natively in the cloud.

Canary Islands Volcano: Mapping La Palma Lava Flow & Damage
We use Spatial Data Science & CARTO to analyze & predict the damage caused by the eruption of the volcano on La Palma in the Spanish Canary Islands

Enhancing Spatial Analytics in Snowflake with CARTO
As part of our commitment to enabling geospatial analysis natively within the cloud, today we announce the launch of our Spatial Analytics on Snowflake with CARTO!

Enhancing Spatial Analytics in BigQuery with CARTO
We are excited to introduce the CARTO Spatial Analytics in BigQuery, a suite of functions & procedures to perform spatial analysis natively within the Google BigQuery environment using SQL

How Google Cloud & CARTO power geospatial analysis at scale
Discover how to scale your analytical workflow & access massive geospatial datasets with Google Cloud & CARTO & the general availability of BigQuery Tiler

Announcing CARTO BigQuery Tiler General Availability
We are excited to announce the general availability of CARTO BigQuery Tiler, a unique solution for visualizing massive spatial datasets hosted in Google BigQuery

3 Spatial Data Science Trends to Watch in 2021
Geography is changing faster than ever before. Read our predictions for the key Spatial Data Science trends & industries to watch in 2021.

Our Thoughts as MapboxGL JS v2.0 Goes Proprietary
With Mapbox announcing a change in their licensing this week, we share our thoughts on this news, basemap neutrality, & the future of spatial app development

CARTO for The Best Way to Develop Spatial Apps
CARTO is now available as part of the framework & becomes our preferred & recommended library for building spatial applications

CARTO BigQuery Tiler is Now Available for Google Cloud Platform
Discover CARTO BigQuery Tiler, the only solution to visualize large location datasets straight out of Google BigQuery. Start creating stunning maps in minutes.

How to use COVID-19 Public Data in Spatial Analysis
A walkthrough of how to use publicly available COVID-19 data sets for spatial analysis using CARTOframes and our Data Observatory.

Open Data on COVID-19 Now Available in Data Observatory
CARTO makes available a set of COVID-19 related datasets as public data in the Data Observatory v2.0

Analyzing the Impact of Coronavirus on Meetups
A look at the impact of Coronavirus on Meetup RSVPs including the correlation between the location of COVID-19 cases and attendance in Italy

PostGIS Day: A future, post GIS
Is GIS dead? No, but it is undergoing a transformation - and we're excited to see how spatial analysis can continue to change our world.

New spatial functions in BigQuery, starting with Uber H3-js
CARTO is working very closely with the Google BigQuery team, bringing in new spatial functions and supporting the creation of a next generation spatial data infrastructure stack.

CARTO's Data Observatory 2.0, now powered by Google BigQuery
By working with Google BigQuery, the Data Observatory is transforming into the most cost effective and advanced spatial data infrastructure.

Live Connections to Remote Databases with Federated Tables
Federated tables allow CARTO users to combine data hosted in CARTO with data that lives in a remote database such as Amazon Aurora and Microsoft Azure

Introducing our new CEO: Luis Sanz
CARTO welcomes new CEO Luis Sanz to lead its growth in Location Intelligence, with co-founder Javier de la Torre now focused on strategy and development.
Partnering with Mapbox: A New Stack for Location Intelligence
Partnering with Mapbox: A New Stack for Location Intelligence
CARTO brings geospatial data and analytics to Salesforce Einstein Analytics
We're partnering with Salesforce to deliver location intelligence capabilities directly into Salesforce Einstein Analytics.
Using Mapbox Vector Tiles in CARTO for Maps & Location Apps
Using Mapbox Vector Tiles in CARTO for Maps & Location Apps

Seamlessly integrate Google Earth Engine with CARTO Workflows
Seamlessly integrate Google Earth Engine with CARTO Workflows to analyze spatial data at scale - no coding required. Unlock powerful geospatial insights today!

Democratizing Spatial Analysis with Raster Data on the Cloud
Discover CARTO's vision for democratizing spatial analysis by making raster data accessible on the cloud & learn about upcoming initiatives.

Overture Maps data now on the cloud: how to use it with CARTO
Announcing Overture Maps data in the cloud! Seamlessly access, analyze, and visualize data on global buildings, POIs, boundaries & more with CARTO!

EU Deforestation Compliance with Cloud Spatial Analytics
Streamline your sustainability efforts with our EUDR compliance solution, leveraging FAO and WRI methodologies, powered by Google Cloud and GEE.

Dynamic Tiling: The key to highly performant cloud-native maps
Elevate cloud-native mapping of big data with CARTO's Dynamic Tiling. Seamlessly integrate interactive maps in your apps without compromising speed.

Databricks support for H3 in collaboration with CARTO
Introducing H3 for Databricks with CARTO! Unlock fast and efficient big data analytics in the cloud with Spatial Indexes

Working Toward a Sustainable Future with CARTO & Google Cloud
“We’re happy to announce our partnership with Google Cloud to expand our solutions to help tackle climate and environmental issues.”

Introducing GeoParquet: Towards geospatial compatibility between Data Clouds
At CARTO, we're proud to release the first community proposal to standardize the storage of geospatial vector data in GeoParquet! Learn about our full goal.

Geospatial Analytics & AWS: CARTO's Spatial Analytics in Redshift
We are excited to announce CARTO's Spatial Analytics in Redshift. Discover how to leverage the geospatial capabilities of Redshift & sign up for a free trial today!

CARTO & Databricks: Bringing Spatial Analysis to the Lakehouse Platform
We are excited to announce CARTO Spatial Extension for Databricks. Discover how to extend the geospatial capabilities of Databricks & sign up for a free trial today!

Announcing CARTO's Spatial Analytics in Snowflake
We are excited to announce CARTO's Spatial Analytics in Snowflake. Discover how to extend the geospatial capabilities of Snowflake & sign up for a free trial today!

Announcing CARTO's Spatial Analytics in BigQuery
Today we announced at Google Cloud Next the General Availability of the new CARTO's Spatial Analytics in BigQuery. Learn more about the most innovative platform to perform spatial analytics natively in the cloud.

Canary Islands Volcano: Mapping La Palma Lava Flow & Damage
We use Spatial Data Science & CARTO to analyze & predict the damage caused by the eruption of the volcano on La Palma in the Spanish Canary Islands

Enhancing Spatial Analytics in Snowflake with CARTO
As part of our commitment to enabling geospatial analysis natively within the cloud, today we announce the launch of our Spatial Analytics on Snowflake with CARTO!
How to Build a Tree Equity Index & Dashboard using BigQuery
Lack of trees is linked to higher temperatures & more violent crime. Discover how to use the BigQuery Spatial Extension & CARTO for React to build a tree score dashboard.
How to Visualize Urban Growth with Spatial Analytics in BigQuery
How has your city or urban area grown? Discover how to create an Urban Growth visualization using open data & CARTO's Spatial Analytics in BigQuery.

Enhancing Spatial Analytics in BigQuery with CARTO
We are excited to introduce the CARTO Spatial Analytics in BigQuery, a suite of functions & procedures to perform spatial analysis natively within the Google BigQuery environment using SQL

How Google Cloud & CARTO power geospatial analysis at scale
Discover how to scale your analytical workflow & access massive geospatial datasets with Google Cloud & CARTO & the general availability of BigQuery Tiler

Announcing CARTO BigQuery Tiler General Availability
We are excited to announce the general availability of CARTO BigQuery Tiler, a unique solution for visualizing massive spatial datasets hosted in Google BigQuery
How to Improve Retail Trade Area Accuracy with Mobility Data
Read how to improve retail trade area accuracy by moving beyond buffers & drive times to using spatial analysis & human mobility data

3 Spatial Data Science Trends to Watch in 2021
Geography is changing faster than ever before. Read our predictions for the key Spatial Data Science trends & industries to watch in 2021.

Our Thoughts as MapboxGL JS v2.0 Goes Proprietary
With Mapbox announcing a change in their licensing this week, we share our thoughts on this news, basemap neutrality, & the future of spatial app development
React to the Changing Face of Retail DIY with Behavioral Data
With COVID-19 causing dramatic shifts in consumer spending behavior, DIY & other retailers can leverage geospatial data to discover new revenue opportunities.
CARTO BigQuery Tiler Upgrade Gives Speed & Feature Boost
Read about new features to CARTO BigQuery Tiler: the fastest, most convenient, & cost effective way to visualize spatial Big Data & generate Tilesets for the web
How to Analyze Google BigQuery Data in CARTO
Learn how to visualize geospatial Big Data hosted in Google BigQuery by creating a CARTO instance on the Google Cloud Platform & using our BigQuery Connector.

CARTO for The Best Way to Develop Spatial Apps
CARTO is now available as part of the framework & becomes our preferred & recommended library for building spatial applications
CARTO + Placekey: Cloud Native Spatial Linkability
Learn more about our integration with Placekey, enabling universal standard identifiers for any physical place to be used with spatial analysis & visualization.
Improving Healthcare Access with BigQuery Tiler
Identifying high impact health facility locations with CARTO's BigQuery Tiler & open-sourced geospatial Big Data.

CARTO BigQuery Tiler is Now Available for Google Cloud Platform
Discover CARTO BigQuery Tiler, the only solution to visualize large location datasets straight out of Google BigQuery. Start creating stunning maps in minutes.
Where Do Expats Invest in Property on the Spanish Coast?
See how idealista used geospatial analysis & real estate location data to uncover fascinating insights on coastal property demand in Spain
CARTO & Google Cloud Announce Partnership
CARTO is now a Google Cloud Partner & available on the Google Cloud Platform Marketplace enabling analysis & visualization within a rich ecosystem.
Google BigQuery Visualization: Mapping Big Spatial Data
The GDELT Project describe how to use Google BigQuery to visualize their dataset of online news coverage focusing on COVID-19
Google Analytics Spatial Data Visualized with BigQuery
Our partner Liveli takes a look at how to visualize spatial data from Google Analytics using BigQuery, gaining deeper insights from website traffic.
What Geospatial Analysis tells us about Meatpacking & COVID-19
One of our partners, makepath, describe how to use multiple open source spatial libraries for COVID-19 analysis focusing on the US meatpacking industry.

How to use COVID-19 Public Data in Spatial Analysis
A walkthrough of how to use publicly available COVID-19 data sets for spatial analysis using CARTOframes and our Data Observatory.
Using Spatial Analysis to Measure UK Gentrification
Read how Spatial Analysis & Machine Learning were used by researchers at UCL to understand neighborhood real estate changes & shape policy making in cities.
10,000 Dutch Bridges: A Foray into Using BigQuery Connector
Explore how to use our Google BigQuery connector to import large public datasets for geospatial analysis.

Open Data on COVID-19 Now Available in Data Observatory
CARTO makes available a set of COVID-19 related datasets as public data in the Data Observatory v2.0

Analyzing the Impact of Coronavirus on Meetups
A look at the impact of Coronavirus on Meetup RSVPs including the correlation between the location of COVID-19 cases and attendance in Italy
CARTO + Two Tools, One Workflow and CARTO users can now work seamlessly across both tools. Our integration adds a new cloud storage feature to, allowing users to share and save maps privately using CARTO.
5 Facts: Out of Home Advertising in 2020
5 facts that show that Out Of Home is the future of the advertising industry
US Social Determinants of Health Atlas - Map of the Month
Leveraging Spatial Analysis techniques, researchers from the University of Chicago and the AHA worked to define and visualize the social determinants of health in America.
Real Estate Market Analysis: Top 5 Data Streams
Real Estate Market Analysis needs to be data-driven, and given the spatial nature of Real Estate investment, you want the data that you are leaning on to be spatial data
Data Visualization: The Spread of Coronavirus
Visualizing data in emergency situations, like the spread of coronavirus, can provide decision makers with the insight needed to inform rapid response plans.
Enrich Spatial Analysis with Landgrid's Nationwide Parcel Data
Landgrid brings their nationwide parcel data, which Boasts over 143 million land parcels across 2,800 counties, to the CARTO Data Observatory
Top 3 Insights from The State of Spatial Data Science 2020
Discover key insights from our survey of how enterprise leaders from industries like Real Estate, Financial Services, Advertising and more are engaging with Spatial Data Science in 2020
Speed up your spatial analysis with CARTOframes 1.0
CARTOframes is the go-to tool for powering analysis with spatial insights and efficiently working with spatial data and spatial models
Emerging Technology - Impacts on Location Intelligence
From Autonomous Vehicles, to Digital Twin, to Human Augmentation, new technology is set to change the world and the Location Intelligence industry is no different.
Top Location Intelligence and Spatial Stories
Celebrating the top stories, tips and tricks, tech updates, and of course, cool maps from around the worlds of Location Intelligence and Spatial Data Science
Quantifying Park Use in American Cities: Spatial Models and Novel Measures
Learn how cities can use spatial modeling to more accurately assess park use to inform planning and facilities decisions
Spatial Solutions for the SDGs - COP25
In anticipation of COP25, we wanted to explore some of the ways that spatial data analysis can help to achieve the SDGs and invite you to several events to discover it yourself!
Google Fusion Tables Turndown: An Alternative to Keep Mapping
If you're trying to find a Google Fusion Tables alternative, CARTO has you covered. Keep mapping and much more with our full stack Location Intelligence platform.
Announcing #SDSC20 - Where Will You Join Us?
Through dozens of sessions exploring the impacts of powerful analysis, SDSC exemplified why Spatial is so important - but also made clear that Spatial is just getting started
Mapping Your Salesforce Data: CARTO in Einstein Analytics
CARTO's Salesforce Lightning app component works seamlessly with Salesforce, integrating complete mapping capabilities with Einstein Analytics Dashboards

PostGIS Day: A future, post GIS
Is GIS dead? No, but it is undergoing a transformation - and we're excited to see how spatial analysis can continue to change our world.
Data Events to Enjoy - Winter 2019
Enjoy this list of several interesting events for data scientists, analysts, developers, academics, and other spatial professionals
Spatial Analysis for Tourism in Partnership with Andorra
CARTO is partnering with Andorra's ACTUA program and MIT to deliver deeper insights on the country's burgeoning tourism industry
Equal Earth Projection in CARTO!
Developed in 2018, the popular Equal Earth Projection is now available to users in CARTO!

New spatial functions in BigQuery, starting with Uber H3-js
CARTO is working very closely with the Google BigQuery team, bringing in new spatial functions and supporting the creation of a next generation spatial data infrastructure stack.
PostGIS 3.0.0 Just Released
With a lot of enhancements, bug fixes, and several new features, the release of PostGIS 3.0.0 brings improved speed and performance to CARTO users

CARTO's Data Observatory 2.0, now powered by Google BigQuery
By working with Google BigQuery, the Data Observatory is transforming into the most cost effective and advanced spatial data infrastructure.
Spatial Data Simplified: Introducing Data Observatory 2.0
We’re introducing Data Observatory 2.0, the latest version of our spatial data repository that will make spatial data more accessible and faster to manipulate for Data Scientists and Analysts across the globe.
Spatial Leaders from Around the Globe Converge on SDSC19
The Spatial Data Science Conference 2019 brings together leaders from industry, government, and academia for a day of panels and discussions on the latest technologies and techniques.
Retail Revenue Prediction Models with Spatial Data Science
Predicting store revenues is critical, allowing retail leaders to stay agile, make informed decisions around current store operations, and plan the most effective new openings. The most accurate prediction models include the location component.

Live Connections to Remote Databases with Federated Tables
Federated tables allow CARTO users to combine data hosted in CARTO with data that lives in a remote database such as Amazon Aurora and Microsoft Azure
Inside CARTO Engineering: Configuration Management Makeover
In order to achieve our plan of being the leading location intelligence platform, we continually invest in our infrastructure to provide the best service to our client. Today we are telling a success story about how we revamped our configuration management system
Forrester Includes CARTO Among Location Intelligence Platform Providers In Now Tech Report
CARTO recognized as a leader in Forrester’s Location Intelligence report, highlighting its platform’s advanced spatial capabilities and data-driven decision support.
Introducing Our Location Data Streams Catalog
Location Data Streams allow you to access both open data and premium data from market leaders.
Upgrading our Core Platform to PostgreSQL 11
In order to meet our users' increasing performance needs, during the following weeks we will be upgrading our software stack to be based on PostgreSQL 11 and PostGIS 2.5.
CARTO acquires Geographica to expand its professional services offering
We are pleased to announce that we have acquired one of our leading partners, Geographica
Improving Healthcare Access with Spatial Data Models
An investigation of healthcare access across America, built on new spatial data science techniques
Must-Follow Twitter Accounts for Spatial Data Science
This year's CARTO twitter guide features 50 twitter accounts to follow for those looking to dive specifically into Twitter's Spatial Data Science community
Announcing Discovery 2019: The Location Intelligence Summit
Recap Europe's top Spatial Summit in Madrid, June 6th, 2019. Keynotes by experts in Location Intelligence, GIS, data analytics & more.
Airship 2.0 is here
Explore features, Histogram widget enhancements, Time Series widget, and seamless CARTO VL integration. Elevate your Location Intelligence with Airship 2.0.
Mapping Segregation - MIT's Atlas of Inequality
Explore The Atlas of Inequality, a project revealing behavioral patterns and segregation impacts, led by MIT and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
Mapping Geoawesomeness' Top 100 Companies and Startups
Our team used CARTO VL and Airship to map the Geoawesomeness Top 100 Geospatial Companies and Startups list
Meet us at MWC: 1 Month To Go
we're getting very excited to attend this year's edition of the GSMA's flagship conference, Mobile World Congress - the world's largest exhibition for the mobile and telecommunications industry.

Introducing our new CEO: Luis Sanz
CARTO welcomes new CEO Luis Sanz to lead its growth in Location Intelligence, with co-founder Javier de la Torre now focused on strategy and development.
Faster, Stronger Smart Cities with Location Intelligence
The proliferation of Location Intelligence solutions is a big part of Smart Cities growth. Cities uniquely benefit from a deeper understanding of 'where,' in areas from disaster relief and health services, to traffic optimization, and more.
Mobile Data 101: Challenges and Best Practices
Understand the challenges and best practices for effectively using GPS and Telco data.
Examining Potential Impact of H-1B Reform with Data Visualizations
USCIS started accepting 2018 H-1B Visa applications in 2017. Explore potential impacts of the proposed H.R.670 bill on the tech industry and American economy.
CARTO is now part of the Github Student Developer Pack!
CARTO is now part of the Github Student Developer Pack! Empowering student developers with cutting-edge location intelligence tools.
How The New York City Mayor’s Office takes a real-time pulse of the city with its interactive dashboard
5 Things You Can’t Miss at #MWC17
Discover must-see events at MWC 2017, from new tech showcases to expert-led sessions. Explore how mobile and location intelligence are shaping the future.
Spreading Location Intelligence all around the world
Thanks to our Partners for a year of growth in location intelligence! Join our network, explore projects, and anticipate more in 2017. Happy Data Mapping!