Say hello to CARTO VL 1.2


This post may describe functionality for an old version of CARTO. Find out about the latest and cloud-native version here.
Say hello to CARTO VL 1.2

Read on for highlights of new features  functionalities  and resources shipped with the latest release of CARTO VL.

New feature: cluster labels


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CARTO VL aggregation functions provide a variety of methods to extract different values from your datasets. Cluster aggregation functions  in particular  summarize point data by aggregating features into spatially grouped clusters. These spatial clusters are calculated based on the resolution and zoom level of a map.

The returned information can then be used to create the popular cluster map. Prior to this release  cluster values could be symbolized (by size  color  etc.) but not labeled.

Based on your requests and feedback  with this release  you can now label your clusters!

To provide this functionality  we had to expose feature aggregation values per cluster in the API. By doing so  when using a cluster function like clusterCount()  and declaring the following two variables in the viz string:

@ccount: clusterCount()
@features: viewportFeatures(@ccount)

Provides access to each feature count through the feature properties and the name of the variable  in this case  ccount:

const features = viz.variables.features.value;
const firstFeatureCount = features[0].properties.ccount;

Getting started

If you are ready to start experimenting with clusters and labels  be sure to check out the Label cluster counts and Label cluster average examples in the Developer Center.

New expression: GlobalHistogram


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This version introduces GlobalHistogram which was implemented as the counterpart to ViewportHistogram. Not only does this addition keep consistency with CARTO VL's other viewport and global based expressions  it also means that you can now access global (not just viewport) based calculations to draw histogram charts for both numeric and categorical data.

Getting started

With this new expression  comes a new guide that walks through creating custom charts with both the viewport and global histogram expressions.

While the guide covers how to build custom charts with Chart.js  soon  Airship histogram widgets will be fully integrated with CARTO VL and GlobalHistogram is a key piece for that integration to happen.

Stay tuned for more on this exciting integration in the coming weeks!

In the mean time  here is a sneak-peak at the Airship Bridge:


Preview of Airship Bridge


Added: more examples

We are always working to provide you with a variety of well-organized and useful code examples. With that in mind  this release also adds some new content to the VL Developer Center examples section.

Some highlights include:


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If you want more details about this release  be sure to check out our changelog.

Happy mapping!