Mark your calendars for CARTO’s Spatial Data Science Conference 2018

On Friday October 12th in CARTO’s Brooklyn office we will be hosting ourSpatial Data Science Conference 2018. We are partnering again with the University of Chicago’s Center for Spatial Data Science to organize an exciting day of keynote addresses and lightning talks from experts and practitioners working with spatial data to solve real world problems.
The day will feature an opening keynote address on the wide reach of spatial data from Marc DaCosta co-founder and chairman of Enigma.
The incredible success of last year’s event highlighted the growing demand for collaborative events that bring together experts from the private sector local government and academia working with spatial data science. What our last event displayed was the wide range of ways spatial data science was solving real world problems. For a preview of what's in store at this year's conference checkout some of last year's presentations!
Spatial data guides WeWork's site selection
Community budget planning based on spatial mobility patterns
Driving last-mile logistics tech at MIT's MegaCity Logistics Lab
Like last year the day will feature various presentation formats showcasing the latest tools developments and use cases in the field including:
- Lightning talk presentations on civic tech tools promoting rent stabilization evaluating healthcare accessibility optimizing waste management services and more!
- Panel discussion on the emerging field of urban data science
- Practitioner demos on working with the geospatial visualization tools at Uber street-level sensing using Google Streetview and SharedStreet's data standard for streets
We’re excited to be bringing together this diverse community for a day of knowledge sharing and practical advice. Make sure to follow us on twitter with the hashtag #sdsc2018!