How ING use spatial analysis to drive Residential Real Estate decisions

“CARTO is an expert in geolocation tech, and when you think of a project requiring the use of data and maps… you just think of them. Launching a new project, which in reality is almost a service, can be scary. But as the weeks pass, and you see people saying that it has been useful for them or that they are thinking of changing neighborhoods thanks to the application, you know that the efforts have been worth it.”

Iván Fanego

Branded Content & Social Media Manager

“CARTO is an expert in geolocation tech, and when you think of a project requiring the use of data and maps… you just think of them. Launching a new project, which in reality is almost a service, can be scary. But as the weeks pass, and you see people saying that it has been useful for them or that they are thinking of changing neighborhoods thanks to the application, you know that the efforts have been worth it.”

Iván Fanego


Branded Content & Social Media Manager

The Client


ING is a multinational banking and financial services corporation, with a presence in over 40 countries providing services to over 38 million customers. With total assets of over US$1.1 trillion, they are one of the biggest banks in the world.

The Challenge

Building an intuitive/useful and well-designed tool for their customers

Driven by a philosophy of doing things differently and focusing on a consumer-centric strategy, ING decided to create a neighborhood selection solution, that would allow their existing and potential clients to find the perfect neighborhood for them, based on their needs, preferences and budget.


A neighborhood selection tool integrating housing data, services and demographics

ING’s neighborhood selection tool brings together their multiple data sources in order to aid users in their quest for the perfect neighborhood. The tool has been used by more than 40 media outlets and by both ING customers and non-customers.

ING Customer Story


Best-in-class rendering technology and spatial analysis

Working with CARTO has allowed ING to compile spatial information from multiple sources in a single application, processing them in an optimal manner, using vector rendering technology and spatial analysis.

The final result is a fast and completely customized web application which boosts ING’s brand and helps their customers.


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