Hey! This content applies only to previous CARTO products

Please check if it's relevant to your use case. On October 2021 we released a new version of our platform.
You can learn more and read the latest documentation at docs.carto.com

Questions  /  Getting Started  /  Intro to CARTO

What are the system requirements to run CARTO?

Learn the system requirements for using CARTO UI and development libraries.

CARTO is the platform for building powerful Location Intelligence applications using the best data streams available. What does that mean? It means CARTO is here to help you to build an app that allows users to visualize, analyze, and gain insights using your own data, as well as to enrich your understanding with our available data streams.

Why do you need this?

  • :question: You have some doubts about browser support
  • :bug: You have found something weird in your browser
  • :computer: You want to understand CARTO's system requirements

Builder and Editor

CARTO user interfaces such as Builder or Editor are built with CARTO.js, CARTO’s raster library which works for the last 2 versions in any modern browser and IE11.

Commercial On-premise and OS installations

Commercial On-premise

Our commercial installer manages the installation and configuration of a CARTO on-premise instance, through:

  • A set of tools, scripts, templates, and libraries for configuration, safe upgrades, and maintenance.
  • RPM packaging system.

It is compatible with RHEL and CentOS v6.x systems, and subject to a fixed release cycle. There is a technical requirements summary available here.

Open Source installations

Most CARTO components (Builder, Maps API, SQL API, etc) are Open Source, same as all the other basic pieces of the stack (PostgreSQL, PostGIS, Redis, GDAL, etc). This opens the door for tailored deployments and customized solutions. Our recommendation in terms of requirements is starting with a clean Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial LTS and following the instructions.

There is more information about what’s included in a Commercial On-premise license in this article

What’s next

:envelope: If you have a CARTO account and still need technical assistance, reach out to us at support@carto.com.

:question: If you are running a CARTO OS installation and still have issues, you can post a question in cartodb Google Group forum.