CARTO can be installed on a local server, or set of servers, either directly or using our commercial installer.
A simple to use Command Line Interface (CLI), together with an easy to read and modify configuration file allows installation of the entire stack in any instance, just by running one command.
Our installer runs some consistency checks before finishing, in order to detect possible errors and ensure installations are consistent. Once the installation has finished, the entire stack will be fully configured and ready to use.
These are the steps to be followed for a standard installation, which hosts the full CARTO stack in a single instance:
Contact to get the installation packages and a valid license to install and run CARTO On-Premises.
Unzip the installation package in your server.
tar xfz carto-builder-<version>-rhel-7-x86_64.tar.gz
Where version is the version of the file provided.
Copy the license file sent by our sales team (yourcompany-onprem.lic) in your server.
Initialize the configuration database making use of your license file.
cd carto-builder-<version>-rhel-7-x86_64
sudo ./cartoctl init --license /path/to/yourcompany-onprem.lic
Perform some initial configurations before installing CARTO On-Premises to make sure all components run correctly within your Infrastructure. Set up these configurations by directly editing a config.yml file:
5.1 Open the config.yml file using your favourite text editor (eg. vi, nano, emacs…):
1 vi ~/.carto/config.yml
5.2 Modify the following parameters to adapt the configuration file to your infrastructure:
Change the hostname to your own one:
1hostname: node01.carto.lan
Modify the following environment variables to adapt it to your domain and your desired user details:
(Note: Change only value here, keep name same.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Env: - name: CARTO_DOMAIN value: carto.lan ## carto.yourdomain.lan - name: CARTO_USER value: carto ## your administrator user name - name: CARTO_PASSWORD value: location ## your password - name: CARTO_EMAIL value: ## your e-mail - name: CARTO_ORG value: organization ## your organization
Perform the installation with sudo (or as root):
sudo ./cartoctl install
If the installation was successful, you will see the message below. If you don’t, please check ~/carto.log looking for errors.