Visualizing Linguistic Big Data for Deeper Insights

“We selected CARTO because we wanted an experience that was world-class. When our customers use anything, starting with the free, general map on the site, we wanted them to say, this works like a top tier application, like a Google Map. And that’s what we’ve had from CARTO, and it works well.”

Rob Hess

Innovation Product Manager at SIL International

“We selected CARTO because we wanted an experience that was world-class. When our customers use anything, starting with the free, general map on the site, we wanted them to say, this works like a top tier application, like a Google Map. And that’s what we’ve had from CARTO, and it works well.”

Rob Hess


Innovation Product Manager at SIL International

The Client

Founded in 1934, this faith-based nonprofit has grown from a small linguistic training program into a global operation, with over 4,000 staff, working on over 1,600 projects worldwide. A recognized leader in the fields of linguistics and language preservation, SIL International works with local communities to address language-related challenges.

The Challenge

Like organizations everywhere, SIL International and Ethnologue are adapting to a global landscape that is adopting new technologies and growing more interconnected by the day. As Ethnologue looks to be a more powerful resource across sectors, they need to keep pace with rapid technology growth and the need for more dynamic language intelligence.


Since they have leveraged a digital mapping platform to visualize their language data, they have seen increased interest in these kinds of maps. Recognizing the instant value that comes from having this data in an interactive and intuitive solution, many of their customers have identified this dynamic visualization as critical to their goals.

SIL International


CARTO was an ideal fit for turning the hard work of SIL International’s field teams into high quality, digitally interactive visualizations that could deliver deeper insights to their customers and drive action. Discover more by downloading the full customer story.


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