Analysis Tips and Behavior
Describes tips and behavior when applying analysis to map layers in CARTO Builder.
This guide describes tips and behavior when applying analysis to map layers in CARTO Builder.
Analysis Overview
Analysis allow you to build reproducible workflows for analyzing and explaining your data. The base of all analysis chains is a dataset in your account (or sometimes a custom SQL query off of zero or more datasets). When an analysis is applied, the original dataset is unchanged, but a new analysis table is created that enables you to visualize and explain your data as an interactive map with widgets.
If the dataset underlying any analysis chain changes, the analyses are re-run, producing a new output. This is an especially useful if your dataset syncs with an external source, since it allows you to create real-time analysis pipelines for visualizing your data.
Preview of Analysis Workflow
Click on “Download resources” from this guide to download the zip file to your local machine.
Extract the zip file to view the .carto file(s) used for this guide.
Import the .carto file to your account.
If you are unfamiliar with importing CARTO maps, see the Downloading and Importing CARTO Maps guide, to learn how to import the file.
Analysis Tips
Note the following analysis tips when working with analysis and map layers.
Some analysis may transform the geometry of the map layer, and you may need to re-apply any custom map styling.
For all analysis outputs, the SQL becomes read-only. The referenced table in the SQL view is the cached output of the analysis. The original data is not modified by the analysis workflow.
If you download a map containing an analysis, the analysis workflow is exported as well. See Downloading and Importing CARTO Maps.
If you have an analysis applied to a published embedded map in an external application, changing your analysis does not dynamically update the embedded map. You will have to update the published map to reflect the changes. See Publishing and Sharing Maps
Analyses are dynamic. When the data changes, the analysis is refreshed. Additionally, if you have widgets containing analyzed data on your map, interacting with the widget dynamically changes your analysis if the widget references an analysis node below the highest one applied.
If you delete an analysis layer containing widgets, the widget for the analyzed layer is also deleted.
Analysis Limits
The following analysis limits are enforced for performance purposes.
If running multiple concurrent analysis, they are enqueued for processing. Your queue may fill up and you may receive a notification message. Allow the analysis to complete before applying subsequent request.
Analysis requests are timed to run for a limited duration of time. If your analysis request is running too long, you may receive a notification message. It is recommended to sample your data (either with the Subsample percent of rows analysis option, or by applying an advanced SQL query) to prevent long-running analysis.
Quota Consumption for Analysis
There are some analysis queries that add calculated results to columns in your dataset, and extra fees may apply. View our terms and conditions, or contact us, for details about which options consume service credits against your account.
Quota consumption is calculated based on the number of requests made on each dataset. Builder notifies you before you apply an analysis query that is subject to quota consumption.
An analysis error appears if you have reached the limit of your quota. Contact us to discuss options for increasing your quota.