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Example - Intersect and Aggregate to show Sums

Learn how to report the sum of purchases sold by a chain of stores.

You will need to import the following dataset/s into your account:

Import and create a map

Drag and drop the zip file on your dashboard and both CSV files will be converted into two different alphanumeric tables. You can create a map selecting both datasets, don’t worry if you don’t see anything on your map yet.


Georeference stores layer

  • Select the stores layer and add the Georeference analysis.
  • Use the City names option, select the name column for the city names and write on the COUNTRY manually as México.
  • Click APPLY and the geocoder will give geometries for our stores layer.


Compute the total sales per store

  • We want to group all the sales into a summarized table that we can join with the stores.
  • To do so use the Centroids analysis and aggregate the purchases by store_id.

This will produce a new table with null geometries (obviously) but with two fields:

  • category: the store identifier
  • value: the sum of the purchases

Join both layers

  • Select the Orders layer and add the Join columns from 2nd layer analysis.
  • Set as INPUT #2 the georeferenced layer (probably B1).
  • We want a inner join so only common rows to both datasets will show up.
  • Select on both tables the same foreign key: category and store_id.
  • On the next section be sure to take the geometries from the georeferenced layer.
  • Finally select the desired columns from both datasets:
    • ORDERS: you want value
    • STORES : you want store_id, name, founded, and owner



Now you have the total sales for your stores, and you could use a simple bubble symbology to easily find those which have sold more.

Add widgets

Finally you could add some widgets to finish your dashboard:

  • Count of stores
  • Sum of the purchases
  • Category showing the name of the owners by the sum of purchases
  • Category showing the name of the cities by the sum of purchases
  • Histogram with the year of funding