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Tutorials  /  Map Styling  /  Guides

Example - Using CARTO Builder Analysis to Style Data

Learn how to visualize Quercus spatial distribution, diversity and habitats in Spanish territory.

You will need to import the following dataset/s into your account:

  • quercus point dataset from here, the data source is from GBIF database.
  • ign_spanish_adm3_municipalities dataset from CARTO Data Library.

A. Quercus diversity

  1. Create a map connecting quercus dataset.
  2. Rename map title and layer name.
  3. Change basemap from “Positron” to “Dark Matter”.
  4. Add Georeference analysis to the layer, using latitude___processed and longitude___processed fields.
  5. Change layer style, setting the marker width to 3, removing the marker STROKE and setting the BLENDING method to screen.
  6. Add some widgets: point count, scientific_name, locality, event_date___parsed.
  7. Publish and share your map.



B. Quercus habitat

  1. Create a map connecting quercus dataset.
  2. Rename map title and layer name.
  3. Add Georeference analysis to the layer, using latitude___processed and longitude___processed fields.
  4. Add some widgets: locality, event_date___parsed, month and year (edit these last two from histograms to categories).
  5. Add Group points into polygons analysis to the layer, grouping by scientific_name and leaving the OPERATION as COUNT.
  6. Add some widgets: count_vals (change it from avg to sum) and category.
  7. Change layer style, make a category map using the category field. To make the visualization better, go to the CartoCSS view and set the polygon-opacity to 0.5.
  8. Publish and share your map.



C. Quercus distribution

  1. Create a map connecting quercus dataset.
  2. Rename map title and layer name.
  3. Change basemap from “Positron” to “Dark Matter”.
  4. Add Georeference analysis to the layer, using latitude___processed and longitude___processed fields.
  5. Add some widgets: point count and scientific_name.
  6. Add ign_spanish_adm3_municipalities layer form CARTO Data Library.
  7. Rename municipality layer name.
  8. Add Intersect with second layer analysis to the municipalities layer, setting the quercus layer as INTERSECT LAYER and leaving COUNT as OPERATION.
  9. Disable the view of quercus layer.
  10. Add some widgets: nameunit and count_vals.
  11. Change municipality style, make a choropleth map using the count_vals_density field. To make the visualization better, go to the CartoCSS and add some custom properties.
  12. Publish and share your map.

