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Tutorials  /  Data Management  /  Datasets Overview

Exploring the Dataset View

Explore all the options available to you in the dataset view

"The Dataset View"

The image above has the dataset view elements numbered left to right, top to bottom.

  1. Dataset Name: this must be a unique name in your account. You can change the name by double clicking it, or by using the dataset context menu (2)
  2. Dataset Context Menu: reveals options to: Duplicate dataset, Rename dataset, Edit metadata, Lock dataset, or Delete dataset. When SQL is applied from the SQL Pane (11), there is an additional option to Create Dataset from query
  3. Privacy Settings: reveals options to set your privacy as: Public, Public - with link, Private
  4. Add Row: this adds an empty row at the end of your dataset
  5. Add Column: adds a new column, with default data type set to string
  6. Export: reveals options to export your dataset as: .csv, .shp, .kml, .geojson, .svg, or .gpkg
  7. Column Name: this must be a unique name in your dataset. You can change the name by double clicking it, or by using the column context menu (8)
  8. Column Context Menu: reveals options to: Sort on this column, ascending or descending, Rename column , Add new Column, Delete this column, or Change data type. The data types available are: Number, String, Date, or Boolean
  9. Row Context Menu: Visible while hovering over a cell. Reveals options to: Edit this cell(not available if SQL is applied in the SQL Pane (11), Add new row, Copy cell value, or Delete this row
  10. Page Navigation: Each page of a dataset shows 40 rows. If you have more than 40 rows, use this to navigate the pages
  11. SQL Pane: Toggles on/off the SQL Pane for the dataset
  12. Preview Dataset: plots the dataset on a map for a quick preview. If SQL is applied in the SQL Pane (11), will preview the results of your query
  13. Create Map : Adds the dataset to a new Builder Map. If SQL is applied in the SQL Pane (11), the query will transfer to the SQL Pane for your dataset in Builder