Building a Spatial Data Monetization Solution

"By partnering with a world-class Location Intelligence platform provider we’ve been able to unlock unique spatial insights from our mobile event data--opening new lines of business."

David Fierro

Big Data Tech Lead at Vodafone Business

"By partnering with a world-class Location Intelligence platform provider we’ve been able to unlock unique spatial insights from our mobile event data--opening new lines of business."

David Fierro


Big Data Tech Lead at Vodafone Business

The Client

Vodafone Business

Vodafone, one of the largest multinational mobile communications providers, provides connectivity for more than 625 million mobile customers around the world.

Vodafone Business is the B2B division that helps organizations succeed in the digital world. With their expertise, they are charting the future of data-driven organizations with products and solutions designed to leverage big data generated across Vodafone’s mobile networks.

The Challenge

Using mobile data to determine human mobility patterns

With mobile data traffic increasing 76% across major markets in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific between 2012 and 2017, Vodafone Business wanted to create a new B2B solution to monetize mobile data insights collected across its network.

This presented two challenges: to comply with privacy regulations and an accessible interface capable of presenting the true value of these insights. CARTO’s technology met these needs and, as a result, the two companies released a jointly built solution called Vodafone Analytics.


Better decision-making in Tourism, Retail, and Real Estate

Vodafone Analytics provides insights into human mobility patterns that enable better decision-making in Tourism, Retail and Real Estate based on mobile network events.

Vodafone Analytics Footfall is used predominantly by players in the Real Estate industry for site planning and investment analysis, using foot traffic counts in and around targeted assets.

Vodafone Analytics for Retail leverages the same data to analyze store performance and understand site catchment.

Vodafone Analytics for Tourism offers the tourism industry a solution to understand national and international tourist behavior.

vodafone analytics results asset


Leveraging the power of geospatial data

By working with CARTO, Vodafone Business has been able to grow a new line of business - accelerating their Big Data capabilities while providing more value to their B2B clients. In offering Location Intelligence solutions, Vodafone Business has gone beyond providing network connectivity to becoming one of today’s most trusted partners for a range of Retail, Real Estate, and Tourism firms looking to grow by leveraging the power of geospatial data.


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