GeoJourNews: To the Presses!


Explore GeoJourNews highlights! Watch keynotes, lightning talks, and map hacking. Join the GeoNewsie community for exclusive offers and upcoming mapping events!

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GeoJourNews: To the Presses!

A short week after our conference celebrating news and maps  and a short month away from State of the Map  we wanted to write and wrap up some of the awesome of GeoJourNews. On May 15th (that is 5/15/15  the best of palindrome days!) we convened over 150 geographers  researchers and mappers to give keynotes and lightning talks on the topic of news maps. We featured 16 speakers  from a few countries and a varied program of newsrooms  attracting the communities of our planning partners at Parson's Journalism + Design program and Knight Mozilla Open News. We learned  mapped  and built together a program of impressive talks and projects! Read on to learn more!

Relive the Magic!

Now that we've had a chance to process some of the footage and solicit speaker slides  we'll be posting those so you can revisit the conference chapter by chapter. Check the schedule here to learn about the names and affiliations of all our featured speakers  and follow along on this blog as we incrementally post the remastered recordings and slides as shared with us :). Meanwhile  check out this Storify summary of the social conversation surrounding the conference!


welcome to geojournews

Daytime Talks


get more slides here

Evening Talks


Miguel Peixe on InfoAmazonia

Check out our pre-event blog post for more information on the above speakers too!

May 16th  marked the day of our followup MapHack  where a small crew of hackers  designers  and journalists came together for a half-day of learning  building and debugging maps. We had Coders for America working on civic tech projects  journalists collaborating on beach mapping and eco hacks  coders working on some slick experiments in SQL  and someone launched a pun twitter @CartoCSSPuns. Don't miss our next event so you can share in the wonders of collab mapping with our community!


Make it personable!

Become a GeoNewsie!

Are you a journalist crafting investigative pieces supported by swell maps? We want to hear from you and help. Email Aurelia on the Community Team to score some account upgrades  hear about our special account offer with IRE  and how you can apply for a speakers slot at next year's GeoJournews!


Ben Wellinton Venn Diagram

To that end  we recognize that though we tried our best to solicit the perfect speaker set  there's always room for geographic and experiential diversity among conference speakers  if you have someone in mind that we should reach out to for the next round  or otherwise want to leave us feedback on your experience in attending  please fill out this [super-duper-short survey].

Attend More Events!

In followup  we want you to know about some related events in the coming months  that promise to satiate your summer mapping fancy with solid talks and great opportunities to network  learn  and share.

Stay tuned for more info on our video captures and our push toward State of the Map! See you soon  and happy mapping!