Powering Site Planning & Demand Modeling with Location Intelligence

“CARTO has significantly reduced the amount of time it takes for our team, and other business users across Endesa to evaluate key factors in location planning and demand analysis. Their LI solutions make it much easier for us to quickly share insights with decision-makers, moving away from big and complicated Excel models that need a lot more explanation and slowed us down in our pursuit to grow our business.”

Oliver Reigosa Rubianes

Senior Manager Business Intelligence

“CARTO has significantly reduced the amount of time it takes for our team, and other business users across Endesa to evaluate key factors in location planning and demand analysis. Their LI solutions make it much easier for us to quickly share insights with decision-makers, moving away from big and complicated Excel models that need a lot more explanation and slowed us down in our pursuit to grow our business.”

Oliver Reigosa Rubianes


Senior Manager Business Intelligence

The Client


Endesa is the largest electric utility company in Spain and the second largest in Portugal. With over 10,000 employees, Endesa provides services to 22 million customers as well as selling power to Germany, Belgium, France, and Holland. Endesa started using CARTO in 2017 in order to make better Site Planning and Demand Modelling decisions putting location data at the heart of their expansion strategy.

The Challenge

Site Planning for Customer Care Centres in prime locations

In the quest to continue growing their user base they needed to understand how to best serve their B2C customers and how to gain market share from their competitors. Endesa were looking for a way to make measuring demand in complex models easier via an intuitive tool to share insights within various departments of the company.


Optimizing network coverage and the quality of customer service

Their Business Intelligence team have been able to carry out complex analyses much faster, at a higher granularity and using more external data. Since using CARTO, hundreds of points of services have been opened in 8 cities across Spain and Endesa’s market share has seen significant growth.

Endesa asset


A tool for decision making and insight sharing

Using CARTO has propelled Endesa to become an even more data-driven utilities company, allowing business users to carry out complex geospatial analyses in a quick and easy way using a wider range of data sources.


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