carto for cities and government

Cities & Government

Governments are prolific generators & collectors of spatial data. Using data-driven solutions to improve quality of life for citizens at national, state & local level is fundamental.

NYC is a CARTO customerCDMX is a CARTO customerCity of Melbourne is a CARTO customerNational Park Service is a CARTO customerSan Diego is a CARTO customerCity of Philadelphia is a CARTO customerAjuntament de Barcelona is a CARTO customer

With the Internet of Things (IoT) growing at 25% a year in cities, the number of sensors generating data for city decision makers is higher than it has ever been. This provides a unique opportunity for local governments to reduce costs in areas such as waste management, street lighting, and public transport. If you’re making such significant investments in hardware, make sure you get the analytics right too.

reduction of waste management costs
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Being able to rapidly visualize and analyze projects can help urban planners to be more proactive and less reactive in the planning process. Our solutions make it simple to collaborate on projects for internal agencies, consultancies and public stakeholders - increasing planning productivity and improving community engagement.

more data used in workflows
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The most innovative cities are making significant investments to ensure they accelerate their Open Data initiatives, making more datasets available to a wider audience and ecosystem. By boosting collaboration and empowering decision-making, your city can start to solve some of its most pressing social and environmental challenges through spatial data.

hours saved in data sourcing per month
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Optimizing public transport infrastructure, such as bikes, buses, trains, & metro services, is paramount in order to reduce traffic & improve road safety. Analyzing commuter patterns through origin-destination matrices & spatial models allows cities to provide the right services to the people who need it most.

more staff using real-time data to drive decisions
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Working with CARTO's cloud-native platform has been a transformative experience, making it faster for us to visualize large-scale geospatial data and quickly deliver insights to different areas of our business, partners, and clients.

Val Ismaili


Transport Planner at ARUP

Working with CARTO's cloud-native platform has been a transformative experience, making it faster for us to visualize large-scale geospatial data and quickly deliver insights to different areas of our business, partners, and clients.

Val Ismaili


Transport Planner at ARUP

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