COVID-19 Data

COVID-19 data isn’t just for governments & disease surveillance. Thousands of private & public sector decision-makers are now using coronavirus-related data to ensure that businesses & cities respond as efficiently as possible during the pandemic.

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Example of Analysis with COVID-19 Data

Local Governments

Local governments (such as New York City) rely on our COVID-19 data to gain insights that measure the risk of overcrowding by station. In this example, NYC was able to blend MTA turnstile data with Safegraph’s human mobility data to identify which subway stations were at higher risk during the COVID-19 outbreak.

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Example of Analysis with COVID-19 Data

Outdoor Advertising Firms

Outdoor Advertising firms turn to geosocial data to understand consumer behaviour trends. After COVID-19, there were some clear patterns such as more political debate, as well as trends relating to family and faith. This data can provide OOH firms with unique insights to drive better campaign ROI.

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Example of Analysis with COVID-19 Data

Government Healthcare Departments

Government healthcare departments are using COVID-19 data with CARTO and Google BigQuery to provide dashboards to track and monitor cases and risk in the US. This example brings together data on population, poverty rates, cases and deaths to provide insights to drive decisions around resource allocation.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 960401.