Building A Culture Of Innovation


Discover how CartoDB empowers innovation in geospatial technology. Explore challenges, competitions, and tools for forward-thinking professionals.

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Building A Culture Of Innovation

reach new heights

Innovation is never easy. It takes time commitment and dedication. Our team here at CartoDB is no stranger to the challenges that come along with new and forward thinking ideas. How do technological innovations such as CartoDB help professionals solve problems and visualize ideas? How can we continue to innovate and bring new tools and applications to the table? As we move into 2015 it is apparent that more and more people are asking these challenging questions. Important and potentially revolutionary competitions such as the [Innovating Planning Apps for Planners: A Student and Emerging Professional Challenge] brought to us by the American Planning Association and the 2015 Undergraduate Geospatial Technology Skills Competition are rethinking how Geo-spatial tools and technology are used applied and created. As we follow these exciting happenings we are eager to provide tools and knowledge that contribute to this discourse!

As you may know we at CartoDB are committed to empowering pioneers and fostering a culture of innovation however we can. While our Start-Up Grants program as well as our Climate Program help start-ups take their ideas to a new level we want to bring our commitment to students and young professionals to new heights by offering free upgraded student accounts to all of our future professionals and innovators. Simply follow this link and sign up for a souped-up student account to get you started.

Furthermore if you are participating in one of the exciting competitions for technological innovation geo-spatial science or forward thinking design shoot us an email and we will do our best to give you an extra bump in making sure you have everything you and your team need to take your ideas to new heights. The future is being made today and we are here to elevate our growing communities every step of the way. How's that for innovation?

Happy Mapping!