Gravity Models: Predicting Attraction by Population Size


Explore the application of Huff's Law to study population-based attraction in different areas. Use Gravity Models for strategic business location decisions.

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Gravity Models: Predicting Attraction by Population Size





Gravity Models

In our previous blog post we introduced Gravity Models  a useful function that allows businesses and organizations to choose the location of their next store or mall. This time  we are going to apply Huff’s Law to populated areas to study their attraction based on population as an extension to the gravity model of migration.

According to this law  the probability of patronage to a specific business is dependent on the distance from the patron’s home to that business  the attractiveness of that business based on the size of the surrounding population  and adjusted by the presence of other potential businesses in the neighborhood.

When tasked with selecting a new location for your next store or business you can use these models as a way to predict potential success for profit and popularity. For example  in this visualization  by selecting Zaragoza  from the drop down list of cities in the top right selector  and zooming in  you'll notice several factors:

Gravity Models make decision making processes easy when location is key to your businesses success. Stay tuned for our next installment on Gravity Models and how you can optimize your strategic location-based business decisions.

Happy data mapping!