What is Location Intelligence?


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What is Location Intelligence?

Location Intelligence Location Intelligence is an often heard term but what it means and how it can benefit businesses institutions and individuals may not be immediately obvious. Location intelligence is more than analysis of geospatial information or geographic information systems alone it is the capability to visualize spatial data to identify and analyze relationships. Evolving from GIS location intelligence provides analytic and operational solutions across organizations.

How does all this data help people and what about the customer or client? Organizations have discovered that data can be one of the best ways to get insights about customers and how to serve them better increasing brand loyalty and improving customer relationship management. Linking customer addresses to a geographic area and then running these against internal company data and external demographics such as census data and income data or other open data can provide unprecedented levels of detail. Who people are what they do and how and when they consume is tied to the where in essential ways. What is their neighborhood commute and workplace?

These locations and their spatial relationships lead to a more in-depth understanding of behavior and influences. Since a high percentage of data already has geographical information attached to it insights about these relationships are readily available. Location Intelligence now allows for incorporating external data from a variety of sources that can be combined and updated dynamically in the cloud. Companies can update the accessibility of their brand locations marketing and potential new sites accordingly.

More than ever location intelligence has made it easy to map excel data create data dashboards and derive deep insights from location data. Discover how real companies across a range of industries and categories: finance real estate economic development and operational logistics are making use of location intelligence technology to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Read our white paper and learn how to bring location intelligence to your business. See why the new business intelligence is location intelligence and harnessing the power of place to drive analysis and insights affects the
bottom line.

Happy data mapping!

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