Location Intelligence for an Engaging Visualization


Explore Tecnilógica's Ashley Madison infidelity map - showcasing global trends and boosting brand exposure.

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Location Intelligence for an Engaging Visualization

From real estate and government organizations, to the financial sector—location intelligence is used by many industries to uncover a myriad of insights in big data. Media and Creative agencies can also harness the power of insight and uncover many secrets through a great data-driven visualization for increased brand engagement and international exposure.

We would like to spotlight one of CartoDB’s currently most-viewed visualizations, Tecnilógica’s Ashley Madison infidelity map, [Malfideleco].

Having the trendiest map at the moment has been especially revealing for Tecnilógica, a creative digital agency that specializes in website design and development.

To create a map showing infidelity on a global level, Tecnilógica began analyzing leaked Ashley Madison data. “As CartoDB partners, we are always thinking 'Can we make a map with this?' When we discovered the geographical data in the AshMad database, there was no other option than to say, 'Let's make a map' said Juan Alonso  CTO of Tecnilógica.

To do this, the Tecnilógica team spent around six hours cleaning up the dataset and filtering sensitive information - in order to protect the account holder's privacy. Then they made a visualization that presented a global view of the cities with the greatest number of accounts. This process only took them two hours. How easy!

With more than 5.5 million map views in less than 20 days, this data-driven map has produced a number of reactions, both Spanish and international. Tecnilógica has received requests for more information from countries all around the world.

To learn more about how CartoDB helped Tecnilógica visualize this trending media topic, download our case study and start creating engaging visualizations!

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At CartoDB we really hope to see more successful user experiences like this one!

Happy data mapping!