FOSS4G 2014 videos


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FOSS4G 2014 videos

As expected we had a terrific time at FOSS4G in Portland. We got to hang out with an invigorating community listen to tons of amazing people share our Developers Program plans… and we also got our share of talking. Several CartoDB team members were presenting and now you can enjoy their presentations in the comfort of your home (or whichever place any of your mobile devices allow!).

How to tell stories and engage an audience with maps — Andrew Hill CartoDB from FOSS4G on Vimeo.

Dynamic mapping on the web: building a scalable service for thousands of companies — Javier Santana & Alejandro Martinez CartoDB from FOSS4G on Vimeo.

The unrelenting progress of design in open source — Sergio Leiva CartoDB from FOSS4G on Vimeo.

Empowering people popularizing open source and building a business — Javier de la Torre & Andrew Hill CartoDB from FOSS4G on Vimeo.

Find in this link all the recordings from the conference.