Create dynamic visualizations from private data using Named Maps


Unlock the power of dynamic maps with secure data. Create interactive visualizations with filtered and modified data while maintaining robust data security.

This post may describe functionality for an old version of CARTO. Find out about the latest and cloud-native version here.
Create dynamic visualizations from private data using Named Maps

A common challenge we see facing our users is how to create dynamic maps with secure data. We have always had the ability to securely publish interactive maps from private data on CartoDB. Today  we go a step further. With the new Named Maps API  users can create dynamic maps  capable of being filtered and modified in front-end applications while maintaining the security of the data used to render those maps.

The Named Maps API gives you a way to define parameters that can be used in SQL and CartoCSS to change your visualizations on the fly. This allows you to pass parameters to filter the data on your map  or redefine the design based on user interactions. At the same time  it limits any viewer from passing unrestricted filters that could expose your data in unexpected ways.


 Named Maps: It has never been easier to make dynamic maps from secure data.

If you are interested in learning more about the Named Maps API take a look at these great resources:

Named Maps Tutorial will take you from beginner to experienced user of the API in 30 minutes.


Maps with private data - Go to tutorial

In a couple of weeks we will host a [Named Maps Webinar] that will show you a few more of the advanced methods exposed in the API.

Finally  our Named Maps Documentation is full of rich information for leveraging the API in your application today.

Keep the maps coming!