Welcome Nutiteq to the CARTO family!

We are pleased to announce that CARTO has acquired Nutiteq a pioneer in native mobile mapping. Nutiteq joins us with more than 8 years of experience developing mobile applications and will provide a great foundation for new CARTO mobile SDKs.
CARTO’s goal is to empower everyone to take advantage of location data to make better decisions. And now more than ever those decisions are being made in the field using mobile devices. We believe that there is an untapped opportunity to rethink how the world interacts with location data and mobile devices. This is where Nutiteq comes in.
The Nutiteq SDK is now available to all our clients expanding the capabilities of our platform to support custom development of applications with maps on any mobile platform—Android iOS and Windows Phone. Nutiteq SDK's existing capabilities will be augmented with CARTO services enabling online and offline maps GIS data editing 3D features and much more.
We’re really looking forward to seeing what our users and clients build with it. So far the Nutiteq SDK is being used by more than 15M users through different applications including: SeatGeek Lonely Planet and Accenture.
We’re thrilled to be working alongside Jaak Laineste and the entire Nutiteq team. They will join CARTO from their headquarters in Tartu Estonia our newest office. To learn more check out our product page.
Javier de la Torre