UNICEF takes a shot at a healthier world

Last week CARTO had the honor of being invited by UNICEF's Knowledge Management & Implementation Research Unit to discuss global health issues and showcase how CARTO's technology can help improve vaccination rates for children across the world.
We were able to identify a geospatial challenge related to the use of data that Kenya, a country trying to improve vaccination coverage, currently faces: namely, how to leverage data while determining the best locations to open clinics capable of serving segments of the population. Typically, building and rebuilding weighted geospatial models entails burdens (temporal, finanical, and technical) that many organizations simply cannot afford. Yet, CARTO's scalability and self-service design was the perfect fit to assist this timely project.
We wanted to quickly address these industry issues before demonstrating how CARTO Builder would meet and exceed these very challenges. Using 1-2 year old population data produced by UNICEF by disaggregating CIESIN Gridded Population of the World, alongside data from the Kenya Open Data Initiative, which provided the location for each of the country's current vaccination clinics, we built a predictive dashboard for modeling optimum vaccination clinic locations in Kenya live in less than 30 mintues. This dashboard not only ran comprehensive analysis (several times), but also recalculated clinic locations based on weighted population cluster density centroids. Take a look at the outcome:
CARTO prides itself on fostering ethical and responsible corporate cultures. Our roots in conservation science as well as our present and future resiliency initiatives, such as PREP, prepared us to meet and surpass the challenges presented by UNICEF. To learn more about CARTO Builder and how it can work for your organization or business, don't hesitate to get in touch!
Happy Data Mapping!