CartoDB at the Open Government Partnership meeting

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) first annual conference started yesterday in Brasilia Brasil. The meeting will welcome near 1,000 representatives from more than 60 countries to discuss the latest reforms, tools and innovations in the open government field. The partnership has grown rapidly. Just last September, eight countries launched it to formalize their commitment to a more open, transparent use of information. Another 43 additional governments have joined the OGP in the last months.
The Brasilia two-day event is the biggest conference related with Open Government ever, and it will be supported with the attendance of Dilma Rousseff and Hillary Clinton. You can check the agenda here.
Vizzuality will be presenting several projects, particularly the Open Goverment Experience Locator (image above) developed together with the OGP and the World Bank Institute. This tool allows the exploitation of different Open Government implementation experiences. The Experience Locator features initiatives from around the world with special emphasis on presenting the insights from practitioners involved, links to implementing partners and related resources for further exploration. It has been entirely developed on CartoDB.
Ruth del Campo will be at the Innovation Village in the Open Aid Register stand (another CartoDB-based platform) showing demos of the OGP Locator tool, together with CartoDB. She will also be showcasing how CartoDB can help you create maps with your data fast and easy. This is especially interesting in the field of Open Government where Open Data is crucial and there is so much to be visualized and geolocated.
So if you are around in Brasilia feel free to pass by our booth at the Innovation Village and say hi or try to reach @ruthdelcampo at anytime. We would love to show you how Open Source CartoDB can enable you to do much more with much less.