Come see us at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona

During the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (2013), we’ll be holding a series of talks on various topics ranging from the development of location based applications, to data visualization and getting the most out of your geospatial data. If you’re in the city by all means stop by as we’d love to show you what we are up to.
The first three events will be held at Fira Gran Via, Hospitalet de Llogrebat, inside the Mobile World Congress Conference at the CS60 stand.
The cheapest ticket to the Mobile World Congress cost 699 Euro. Yes it is a lot but the good news is that we have a number of tickets to giveaway for those of you who would like to attend our sessions. Send us an email stating you need a ticket for Mobile World Congress and we will give you an Exhibition Visitor Pass so long as we still have them available.
Here is a small map:

We'll be giving the following talks:
1. Analyze, visualize and create applications using geospatial data
Feb 26th at 14:30 · 30min
In this workshop we will give an overview of all geospatial capabilities of CartoDB by following a set of use cases like creating a BI dashboard about your customer location, geoprocessing on the web, and many more. If you want to extract all the location value to your data dont miss this workshop it will change the way you think about GIS.
2. Developing location based mobile apps using CartoDB
Feb 27th at 16:00 · 1h
In this workshop we will show you how CartoDB can be utilized to develop maps and mobile applications using large datasets and APIs for nearby queries. If you are considering integrating maps or location data in your app the chances are this will be a great resource for your project.
3. Data Visualization on maps using CartoDB
Feb 27th 19:00 – 2hr
Neventum Calle Cros 7 08014 Barcelona
CartoDB's goal is to make data driven application, mapping, and analysis accessible to everyone. In this talk we will explore how data visualization is shifting identify new trends and go through a hands on workshop where we will show you how easy it is to tell compelling stories with data in CartoDB.
4. Latest trends on data visualization
Feb 28th at 14:30 · 30min
With the explosion of Big Data, Data visualization is more relevant than ever. From the hands of Vizzuality, one of the best known data visualizations company, in this workshop we will review current trends on the market. From the different tools available to the latest techniques developed. Don't miss the opportunity to learn from the experts on how data visualization can help your organization.
5. Introduction to CartoDB platform and Data Visualization on maps
Feb 28th at 19:00 · 120 min
Celebrating its 3rd year, the Geoinquiets group we will be giving a talk about the CartoDB platform and how to make beautiful data driven maps on the web. If you are interested in learning how to make maps, don’t miss this event on Thursday, February 28th from 7:00 to 9:00pm.