Going to FOSS4G in Bonn, Germany? Come check out the latest and greatest with CARTO!


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Going to FOSS4G in Bonn, Germany? Come check out the latest and greatest with CARTO!

Each year the open source geo-lovers at CARTO (which is pretty much everyone) sets their sights to FOSS4G as a landmark event to not only share how we're impacting the world of free and open source software for geospatial but to also connect and learn with our fellow geo-aficionados.

This year's edition in Bonn Germany is especially meaningful for CARTO as we've been quite busy doing things like acquiring a mobile mapping company pushing the boundaries of open source spatial design and developing what we consider to be the next big thing in open source location technology with CARTO Builder.

While FOSS4G will certainly be a whirlwind there will be quite a few opportunties to connect with us make new friends and learn a ton. For starters come check out our booth where we'll be demoing nonstop and dorking out on open spatial analysis. Stay tuned to Twitter for a booth number in the near future. We also have some talks and in-depth workshops worth checking out that will certainly blow some minds.

Workshops and presentations

Building Dynamic Maps with CARTO

This 4 hour intensive hands-on workshop presented by Santiago Giraldo will focus on creating beautiful interactive and sharable spatial analysis for the web. While this session does not require any technical skills participants will quickly learn the fundamentals of making maps in CARTO Builder and progress into advanced analysis and design workflows.

When: Monday August 22nd 9AM-1PM
Where: Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V

Publish your Geodata in Online/Offline Mobile Apps

This session presented by Jaak Laineste will introduce how to create a basic mobile GIS application with your own vector map data using FOSS tools like CARTO OGR/GDAL etc. Participants will create basic a "hello map" app for Android using CARTO Mobile SDK learn some advanced tricks for nice and fast visualizations and interactions and learn how to make everything work offline. While this workshop is done with Android the Mobile SDK is available also for iOS and Xamarin/.NET platforms where 95% of the principles are the same.

When: Monday August 22nd 1PM-6PM
Where: Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V

Command Line Geography

This session presented by Erik Escoffier will show how our beloved shell can fit into the workflow of the modern cartographer in the most surprising ways and we will generate maps in the least expected places (your terminal your desktop your IDE…). This session will use CARTO Engine along with the CARTO Node client SQL and PostGIS plus a host of other open source libraries (GDAL CSVKit Yeoman…) to be showcased as the "survival kit" for the hurried but demanding mapper.

When: Thursday August 25nd 10AM-10:30AM
Where: Bonn Room

Challenge Solving Mapping

This session presented by Santiago Giraldo will draw from personal experiences working with open source projects and technologies at CARTO this talk will dive deep into both decision making use-cases in solving environmental humanitarian urban and business/economic challenges at all scales; and offer insight into the future of open source location intelligence.

When: Friday August 26nd 2:30PM-3PM
Where: Tunnel

With so many great things lined up were looking forward to a phenomenal week with the FOSS4G community. From the pre-conference to the pub crawls make sure to connect with us!

Happy data mapping & analyzing!