CARTO & Fulcrum partner to provide COVID-19 emergency response solutions

The COVID-19 epidemic has shone a light on the necessity of being data-driven. From an epidemiological perspective our ability to understand the spread and predict the trajectory has been limited due to lack of available test data. And even when we have data it often proves difficult to analyze and present data sets in an intelligible way that the public and policymakers can use to make decisions. The same challenges related to incomplete collection data analysis and data visualization that have slowed our macro response plague our response on an operational level hindering a range of mission critical COVID-19 response activities--from the sanitization and ongoing inspection of clinical settings and "essential" facilities to patient identification and contact tracing.

Hospitals Outpatient facilities and Nursing homes and essential retail facilities must know proper sanitization and life safety guidelines are being followed and where and when they were not. And they must understand across a series of locations and within a location itself and have the necessary means to drill all the way down to understand which procedures which staff and which patients or customers may have been impacted.
While a cottage industry of applications have emerged to address COVID-19 challenges none has taken a unified approach to addressing all three steps of the data lifecycle--from collection to analysis and data visualization. CARTO and Fulcrum are proud to announce the world's first integrated solutions that simplify data collection analysis and visualization to accelerate COVID-19 response:

Having already issued hundreds of free licenses to organizations and individuals using data to fight COVID-19 through their grants program we are now proud to announce that CARTO and Fulcrum will now provide mutual solutions for a three months period as part of the same program - allowing organizations to deploy at no cost with app support for a limited timeframe.
Developed by Spatial Networks Fulcrum is the industry-leading data collection platform that enables users to easily build custom apps for capturing information in the field - serving industries such as critical infrastructure security telecoms and agriculture among others. CARTO's spatial analysis platform complements Fulcrum's mobile apps by allowing organizations to store enrich analyze and visualize the location data collected - allowing decision makers in a wide range of industries to gain geospatial insights for their response to COVID-19.
Key Use Cases
Fulcrum and CARTO's extensive experience in field services healthcare and epidemiology allow them to provide value across several use cases including:
Clinical Infection Prevention & Life Safety
By combining Fulcrum's Infection Prevention and Life Safety Checklist hospitals can collect data for each unit ward or office and on a room by room basis to demonstrate that the appropriate steps are being taken on an ongoing basis to ensure safety and reduce the risk of infection in hospital nursing home rehab centers and other clinical settings. Fulcrum allows collection of data in real time on a scheduled basis and incorporates geospatial data collection to show exactly where a checklist was completed.
CARTO can then be used to visualize data at a facility level or across multiple facilities with their Indoor Mapping solutions. This allows management to get an accurate picture of where safety measures have been taken and where action is required looking at data with intuitive dashboards rather than trying to decipher data in Excel.

Patient Case Data Collection & Visualization
Much like CARTO's collaboration with the Spanish government on AsistenciaCOVID-19 this partnership will also facilitate the real-time collection and visualization of Coronavirus case related data. Using a checklist CDC person under investigation form (which Fulcrum have already released) data can be captured on mobile devices. CARTO would then allow cities and government agencies to see visualizations and spatial models relating to this data such as case numbers outcomes patient numbers and ventilator availability / scarcity.

Corporate Inspection & Facility Management
Similarly to the Clinical Infection Prevention use case above validating cleaning and sanitization measures in public or business workspaces is critical in order to safeguard workers and citizens. Fulcrum's COVID-19 cleaning inspection app allows organizations to harness facility and regional level capabilities in verticals such as Retail (grocery stores) Hospitality (hotels) Airlines and Real Estate for Property Management.
If your organization needs to combine data collection through mobile apps and data analysis to enable better decision-making in the face of COVID-19 we're here to help. Our combined offering through our grants program will be provided pro-bono for three months enabling us to collectively use applications and data to contain the pandemic and ultimately help our economies to recover.
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