NYC GIS Meetup at The Wall Street Journal office

Next Monday March 12th we'll have the second meetup of the NYC GIS & Cartography group. The initial meetup was held at our office in NYC and the idea was to move the venue from place to place. This time we will be gathering at The Wall Street Journal office.
We are planning an interesting meeting. Among the talks Sebastian Delmont (from StreetEasy) will discuss a hot topic: when rolling your own maps is a good bet based on a cost/benefit analysis of Google Maps.
Sebastian is addressing the same issue at the next Where 2.0 Conference (CartoDB will be there too). Real state search site StreetEasy recently moved from Google Maps to its own maps based on OSM data and a custom tileset served by Mapbox. There's a full description of StreetEasy's stack here. You can also read an interesting discussion on this topic at Sebastian g+ profile. The image above is a sample of the new maps.
We'll also have some other examples by people involved in different projects with tools for web mapping. @jatorre co-organizer of the meeting will demo CartoDB.
If you are planning to attend we'll happy to hear from you.