CARTO and Google Cloud Announce Climate Insights for Infrastructure

The ever-growing threat of climate change on the built environment cannot be ignored. Intensifying wildfires storms floods and sea level rise not only impact the health and safety of millions of people worldwide but also compromise key infrastructure elements including roads buildings industrial facilities and essential energy supply assets.
Ten days of forest fires across the globe.
In response to these worrying developments government agencies need to fully understand and mitigate against climate risks on their infrastructure and prioritize their resiliency investments based on more accurate data-driven insights.
Today we are proud to announce in conjunction with Google Cloud the availability of an innovative climate insights offering for infrastructure. This cloud native Location Intelligence platform gives central regional and city governments a deeper understanding of the climate risks impacting the infrastructure they manage so they can better plan investments prioritize maintenance efforts and respond more rapidly to catastrophes caused by extreme weather events.
CARTO for Climate Insights brings together unique climate related data sources and analytical capabilities in a collaborative user interface so insights can be shared across stakeholders and agencies for quicker more coordinated responses. Agencies can easily publish data and visualizations on climate risks infrastructure investments and maintenance measures with the citizens they serve improving community engagement.
Population at higher than average risk of wind in Honolulu Hawaii.
CARTO for Climate Insights
This cloud native spatial analytics offering built on Google Cloud combines the power of Google BigQuery Google Earth Engine Google Maps and CARTO to give policy-makers unified access to their agency infrastructure data earth observation insights weather information and other relevant spatial datasets from the CARTO Data Observatory. These data elements are combined with advanced spatial analysis and visualization capabilities so risk models and climate impact insights can be generated through a single easy to use platform interface.

Measuring climate insights requires complex data layers from many different sources including population and demographics road traffic information and other built environment parameters. Unifying this data with internal information sources from the agency itself and Google Earth Engine powerful predictive models and visualizations can be developed in CARTO allowing government policy-makers to analyze multiple risk scenarios quickly and at scale.
Additionally by integrating with BigQuery governments using climate insights will have access to Google Cloud’s scalable distributed analysis engine and can query terabytes in seconds and petabytes in minutes.
With better access to climate insights and spatial risk models Departments of Transportation can effectively plan for potential hazards to road networks resulting from erosion extreme heat flooding fire drought and severe precipitation.
Moreover with climate response measures taking a more important share of government funding programs access to valuable spatial insights at the agency level can play a fundamental role in prioritizing local investments to ensure more equitable improvement initiatives across affected communities.
If you would like to find out more about how the CARTO platform can be used to address sustainability and climate-related initiatives contact our specialist team for a personalized demo.