Welcome to CartoDB 1.0
We are happy to announce you that CartoDB 1.0 is already live.

There are new improvements to make the platform faster a new look & feel with additional info & tutorials and additional features to enhance CartoDB data delivery capacities.
CartoDB 1.0 provide access to a whole world of data to explore from OpenStreetMaps and bring also new thematic mapping options.
Beginning with v1.0 all new tables on free accounts are public. As we are truly believers in the Open Data movement only users with premium plans will be able to create private tables. We hope this feature will make CartoDB a hub for Open Data.
Actual users don't have to worry about their existing tables. All tables already marked as "private" won't be public unless you decide it. If you need more resources or private tables we have new premium plans to fit your needs. You can upgrade your plan directly from your personal settings menu.
We'd love to hear your feedback and comments to improve future versions of the evolving CartoDB Open Source platform.
Thank you very much for your support and enjoy!