Retail Site Selection: Complimentary Post Pandemic Playbook

Brick and mortar retail has had winners and losers since the COVID pandemic began. Some brands have pivoted effectively whilst others have struggled to navigate lockdowns social distancing and non-essential retail.
In a new report co-authored with Retail Gazette (leaders in independently sourced news and analysis relating to the retail industry) we look into current site selection strategies and how Advanced Spatial Analytics and Data Science techniques can be combined with new streams of location data to help retailers adapt survive and thrive in a post pandemic world.

Want to learn how to use Advanced Spatial Analytics to drive Brick and Mortar Retail Planning in 2021 & beyond?
The report contains:
- Case studies from across the globe outlining how retailers have adjusted their store network strategy in response to the global pandemic and ever changing consumer demands.
- Details on how innovative streams of spatial data can be leveraged to surface site expansion or consolidation opportunities.
- Examples of how retailers can use Location Intelligence and Spatial Data Science approaches to drive expansion decisions and predict store performance in a given target territory.
Retail's Perfect Storm & Industry Response
Learn more about how Retail finds itself in the eye of a perfect storm of social economic technological and structural change that is transforming the very nature of the industry.
With case studies from Starbucks Pets at Home Next Hema / Freshippo Situ Live and more explore how retailers are reformatting and relocating existing space along with efforts to digitize physical real estate.

Leveraging Location Data
Retailers have been using traditional data sets such as census data in their site selection strategies for many years. This may have served them well in the past but given the speed of change in consumer behavior particularly within the last year due to the pandemic it is critical that more modern and frequently updated spatial data streams are utilized.
Discover how data sets including information on credit card spend human mobility patterns weather road traffic patterns and social media sentiment can be used to drive brick and mortar site selection decisions.

Incorporating Advanced Spatial Analysis
Retailers are building a more informed strategy for their estate by incorporating Location Intelligence techniques and tools to make better decisions relating to site suitability catchment audience accessibility and revenue potential.
Learn how to maintain a competitive advantage by integrating proprietary business rules models and data into problem solving and decision making processes.

Want to learn more about retail site selection?