ST_GeomFromGeoJSON arriving to PostGIS


Discover the integration of GeoJSON on PostGIS, enabling better import methods and direct usage for CartoDB. Read about the development consultancy by OpenGeo.

This post may describe functionality for an old version of CARTO. Find out about the latest and cloud-native version here.
ST_GeomFromGeoJSON arriving to PostGIS

We web developers love JSON so having a way to use GeoJSON on PostGIS it is kind of a no brainer. Well thanks to Kashif Rasul OpenGeo and a bit of financial help from Vizzuality now we have it available!

So now you can finally do:


select st_astext(st_geomfromgeojson(‘{“type”:”Point” ”coordinates”:[1 1]}’));

The folks from OpenGeo wrote a blog post about it and all we can say is that we are very happy with the great development consultancy on PostGIS provided by them. If you are doing something serious with PostGIS you should consider to hire them to implement core functionalities promise they will do a great job.

For CartoDB this means that soon we will have much better ways to import GeoJSON and direct writing using it without 3th party libraries on your way.

We will hopefully incorporated soon on the free shared server so that everybody can use it but if you want to start using it straight away consider installing CartoDB yourself or renting one of our super-uber-great dedicated instances :)