Agricultural Sustainability with CARTO, Indigo Ag, & Snowflake


With our platform & Snowflake connector, read how Indigo Ag rapidly gathers, styles, & shares insights from spatial models improving agricultural sustainability

This post may describe functionality for an old version of CARTO. Find out about the latest and cloud-native version here.
Agricultural Sustainability with CARTO, Indigo Ag, & Snowflake

Indigo Ag works every day to help farmers harness nature to sustainably feed the planet. Through their Grain and Transport Marketplaces and Carbon program  Indigo facilitates grower profitability  promotes buyer control over their supply chain  and encourages environmental sustainability. With digital technologies and natural microbiology  Indigo partners with growers to reimagine the entire agricultural system  from soil to sale.

As part of Indigo’s data-driven approach to business  their analytics team gathers  assesses  and shares spatial data with internal teams to power decisions across the organization. Using CARTO’s automation solutions  Indigo created a replicable process to aggregate  analyze  and visualize disparate datasets in user-friendly maps for key stakeholders.

Aerial photo of agricultural machinery harvesting crops

Visualizing Spatial Agricultural Data from Snowflake

The Indigo analytics team works with a wide range of internal and external data sources  all stored within Snowflake databases. From Salesforce CRM data to field measurements  the Snowflake Unified Data Platform allows Indigo’s team to access  manipulate and visualize data from across the organization.

Last year we announced the release of a Snowflake connector making CARTO the first Location Intelligence platform to support the cloud-based data platform natively. This gives Snowflake users  such as Indigo Ag  the ability to import data from the cloud  keeping large datasets fully synchronized with a single  reliable source. More recently we also featured a guide on how to create maps from Snowflake using CARTO & SQL.

As a beta tester of the Snowflake connector  Indigo made immediate use of these new capabilities when designing a mapping dashboard to plan and track soil sampling during the Fall harvest season. Map layers displaying the current sampling status of each field  drive time areas from employee locations  and meteorological variables provided managers with information to assign and optimize sampling deployment. Local precipitation and field sampling status were updated daily using CARTO’s Snowflake connector  ensuring the dashboard displayed a current view of the sampling process.

Map showing sampling status of each field

Other layers  like days until first freeze and drive times  required additional processing in Python outside of Snowflake. Using a combination of CARTOframes  our Python package  and Cron  the Indigo analytics team automated complex data processing workflows and refreshed the data tables in CARTO through scheduled Python scripts.

CARTO’s Snowflake connector and Python package provide ultimate flexibility in creating customized  automated data processing and management workflows. Whether through the connector’s data syncing options or through scheduled CronJobs of scripts utilizing CARTOframes  the tools elevate dashboards from static snapshots in time to dynamic maps with up-to-date data reflecting the current state of the business.

The CARTOframes Python package and Snowflake connector have simplified the process of pulling in  refreshing  and keeping track of source data. Once the data are in CARTO  it is easy to draft different geospatial queries and quickly visualize the results.
Natalie Weiss  Associate Data Scientist at Indigo Ag.    

Soil sampling cannot take place if the ground is too saturated with moisture. Indigo Ag uses a county choropleth layer of accumulated precipitation over the past week and in the last day  so FOS can reschedule field samples based on recent precipitation. These layers are updated daily using the Snowflake connector.

Map showing county choropleth layer

Want to learn more how Indigo Ag are rapidly creating prototypes?

Read the full customer story

Get Started

If you are a Snowflake user and want to easily connect your data to CARTO  sign up for a trial account to access the Snowflake connector.

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If you are an enterprise user of CARTO  your Customer Success Manager will be happy to guide you through this connection process  which can also be found here.

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